Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wishes Nighttime Spectacular

2003 was my daughters’ first trip to Walt Disney World. Five out of the seven nights we were there, we watched Fantasy in the Sky, the lively fireworks spectacular duplicated at many of the Disney theme parks around the world. It was set to songs like, “The Second Star to the Right” and “It’s a Small World,” that made us feel sentimental, and “Davey Crocket, King of the Wild Frontier,” or “A Pirate’s Life for me” that brought out our adventurous sides. That show coined a familiar phrase in our family… “Every night should end in fireworks.” Upon our return 18 months later, we were initially disappointed to hear that Fantasy in the Sky had been replaced, after its amazing 32-year run. I don’t remember much about the first time I saw Wishes, other than being blown away, and not quite knowing where to look first. Hosted by Jiminy Cricket and The Blue Fairy, Wishes takes us on a journey through the wishes of many Disney characters including the infamous Disney Villains. The special effects play an important part in setting the mood and include lighting, projections on the castle, amazing sound, and of course, the sprinkling of pixie dust from Tinker Bell. When the lights dim and the haunting first single cords of the orchestra begin, everyone knows it’s time. It’s time to learn about our “wishes”. The poem “Starlight, Starbright” is put to music and sung by a young children’s choir. The fireworks dance to the music, and you realize that you are watching not just a show, but a story. The story is that of all Disney characters, of all of us and our wishes – wishes for love, wishes for adventure, and of course, magical wishes. It’s upbeat, it’s fun and it’s happy. But then, the villains must make an appearance, for they have wishes too. The special effects, music and fireworks make you feel their much darker and sinister wishes. But their plot to take over the show, and the castle is interrupted, and just like any classic Disney story, there is a happy ending. During a spectacular finale, we are reminded to always believe in our wishes, for they have the power to make all our dreams come true. A version of the Wishes theme song plays as you exit the park. Whether you choose to be part of the mass exodus of strollers, balloons, and dads with sleepy children on their shoulders; or if you choose to hang back and wait for the opportunity to meander down a less crowded Main Street, everyone feels the same way. You are right where you should be at that moment. You are happy, your kids are happy, and you’re so glad you took this trip. You achieved what Walt Disney himself wanted you to; you left the “world of today and entered the world of yesterday, tomorrow, and fantasy.” And maybe, just maybe, you too now believe that every night should end in fireworks.

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